John 5 talks Buckethead, has he seen his face?

BrianPatrickCarroll(bornMay13,1969),knownprofessionallyasBuckethead,isanAmericanguitarist.Hehasreceivedcriticalacclaimforhisinnovative ...,Sowhythebucketandmask?Buckethead,orBrianCarroll,tellstheComingAlivePodcastthathewasbasicallyeatingchickenon...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Brian Patrick Carroll (born May 13, 1969), known professionally as Buckethead, is an American guitarist. He has received critical acclaim for his innovative ...

BUCKETHEAD Finally Explains Why He Has A Dang Bucket on His ...

So why the bucket and mask? Buckethead, or Brian Carroll, tells the Coming Alive Podcast that he was basically eating chicken one night and it just happened.

bucketface(@bumkithead)• Instagram 相片與影片

77 位粉絲、 118 人追蹤中、 41 則貼文- Instagram 上的bucketface (@bumkithead):「 all i wanna do is shred like buckethead it's that simple. my real account is ...

340 I love Buckethead! ideas

Aug 20, 2020 - Explore Renee's board I love Buckethead! on Pinterest. See more ideas about best guitar players, best guitarist, guitar hero.

Does anyone have a pic of what buckethead looks like unmasked ...

In the Young Buckethead DVD, there's a part where he's wearing a clear mask that only slightly distorts what he looks like.

Ever Thought You Saw Buckethead Unmasked?

He was very tall like Buckethead (legitimately 6'5 or 6'6 - I have friends this tall and this guy was that tall) and his face looked like ...

Buckethead Unmasked: Our Encounter with the Legend

Keywords: Buckethead, Buckethead face revealed, who is Buckethead, masked musician, rare Buckethead sightings, Buckethead unmasked, Golden State ...

This Is What Buckethead Looks Like Unmasked

The photos include the cover of Pike 13, footage from his early days with Class-X, as well as stuff from the Young Buckethead DVD.

Who is Buckethead?

We find out who Buckethead is. Are the photos real? Are the videos real? Was THAT interview real? This is Buckethead unmasked & more.

Before he became BUCKETHEAD

That's the main reason for hiding his face. The fact it looks really cool is an added bonus. [ and yeah, that's him in the early footage ...


BrianPatrickCarroll(bornMay13,1969),knownprofessionallyasBuckethead,isanAmericanguitarist.Hehasreceivedcriticalacclaimforhisinnovative ...,Sowhythebucketandmask?Buckethead,orBrianCarroll,tellstheComingAlivePodcastthathewasbasicallyeatingchickenonenightanditjusthappened.,77位粉絲、118人追蹤中、41則貼文-Instagram上的bucketface(@bumkithead):「alliwannadoisshredlikebucketheadit'sthatsimple.myreal...

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